Assignment 44


  /// Name: Josh Bautista
  /// Period: 6
  /// Program Name: Two Questions
  /// File Name:
  /// Date Finished: 12/10/2015
   import java.util.Scanner;

public class TwoQuestions
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        String choice1, size;
        System.out.println( " Hello get ready for a guessing game! ");
        System.out.println( " Question 1) Is it an animal, vegetable, or mineral? ");
        choice1 =;
        if ( choice1.equals("animal") )
            System.out.print("Is it bigger than a breadbox?");
            size =;
            if ( size.equals("no"))
                System.out.print(" My guess is that you are thinking of a Moose ");
            else if ( size.equals("yes"))
                System.out.print(" My guess is that you are thinking of a squirrel ");
        if ( choice1.equals("vegetable"))
            System.out.print(" Is it bigger that a breabox?");
            size =;
            if ( size.equals("no"))
                System.out.print(" My guess is that you are thinking of a carrot ");
            else if ( size.equals("yes"))
                System.out.print(" My guess is that you are thinking of a watermelon  ");
        if ( choice1.equals("mineral"))
                System.out.print(" Is it bigger than a breadbox ");
                size =;
            if ( size.equals("no"))
                    System.out.print(" My guess is that you are thinking of paper ");
                else if ( size.equals("yes"))
                    System.out.print(" My guess is that you are thinking of a Camaro ");
            System.out.print(" I would ask you if I'm right, but I don't actually care. ");

Picture of Output

Assignment 5